This album was several years in the making and is a truly celebratory moment for Kneebody and their devoted audience. The band is extremely proud of this new collection of material and is beyond thrilled to be reuniting as a musical family to tour this music in 2025.

Kneebody was in the middle of an album touring cycle when the pandemic shut down the whole world. The initial plans to reunite for the next album were held up from multiple angles, including the complication of band members residing in disparate locations around the globe. The collective desire to continue building on nearly 30 years of creativity and camaraderie was strong, and in September of 2023, the group reconvened at Figure 8 Studios in Brooklyn. Trumpeter Shane Endsley says, “We were on this imposed break and were contemplating what our next album could be. There were conversations about, and with, potential producers and collaborators that could steer us in a new direction, but the plans weren’t coming to fruition in the time frame we set out for ourselves. Instead, we decided to come together and make something new on our own, the way we always have. We knew we wanted to work from less intricate seed material. Our work together has always been grounded in an appetite for technical challenges and we wanted to try and soften that edge of our process for this recording. Ben, Adam and I brought in a number of compositions and we spent five days finding our way on those, plus lots of open improvising.”

The result is a new album that coalesces the unmistakable sound Kneebody has cultivated over two decades with glimmers of the new directions this veteran collective is ready to venture towards. It is the first Kneebody album to be completely set in the “new” quartet format that features the incomparable talents of Nate Wood playing bass and drums simultaneously.